So, i have decided to write a long long post. Ignore my manglish please.
Anyway.. Today's topic would be ~~~ Anything! duh -.-
1st - World Cup (SOUTH AFRICA) 2010
2nd - Wimbledon Tennis (UNITED KINGDOM)
3rd - Kelly's Birthday
4th - Upcoming tests
5th - Yoona
So.. let me begin the topics
World Cup (SOUTH AFRICA) 2010

Everyone has gone crazy because of FIFA WORLD CUP.
My mum and dad scream like mad fellows when any of the
I want to share something with all of you..
Joke of the day
My dad and his 4 other colleagues bet for every
Winner grabs almost RM 500. Each game RM 2. So here it is..
Everyone will suggest what to do with the cash. ( some already lost due to low marks)
colleague A : If i am the lucky one, i would suggest a tea party in
colleague B : Having only lunch will not do. I suggest we have a dinner in souled... restaurant and i would not allow the winner to run off with the cash!!!
colleague C : To be sure i have an empty stomach, when is the dinner? Monday??
colleague D .. not sure with the conversation..
My dad : Let's have a lunch together in any good restaurant.
Wimbledon Tennis (UNITED KINGDOM)
Another big event in tennis history.
I will support
Nicolas Mahut vs John Isner
4-6 6-3 7-6(7) 6-7(3) 68-70
Are you joking with me? My first thought. It was incredible. Nobody wanted to lose in that match but finally John Isner was the better player and he won the match. There was a prize giving ceremony specially for the two players and the umpire for the longest match played on the court and in the tennis history itself. Great stuff!
Kelly's Birthday
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to Kelly,
Happy birthday to you.
I guess i was the first one to wish you Happy Birthday before your real birthday date has arrived. Presents were given, wishes were given. hmm... Do you think i should buy skin care products for you as next year's present? We are growing older. (don't be angry with that).
Hopefully you will have a very enjoyable and memorable day on your birthday. :-)
Upcoming tests
30/6/2010 PAF 011
1/7/2010 PLNG 001 & PMTH 001
2/7/2010 PACT 001 & PLNG 013
More research need to be done for the PAF 011 subject as we are not going to do the questions based on extract given but own opinions. It's crazy...

Not going to talk much about Yoona. =)
She looks great. hmm... but where is SNSD?
I mean where are their new songs?
Haven't released yet? haha..
Next post : My pictures ~